torsdag den 26. april 2012 - 0 People Gave Good Vibes

Today I Will Practice #Getting Exited

I'm exited. I'm exited about a lot of things.
First, I'm exited for the weekend.
I love weekends (come on, who doesn't?)
cause I can just kick back and relax with new episodes of my favorite shows,
spend the whole day cleaning the apartment (I looove cleaning)
and in general, just enjoying life.
But what I'm really exited for, is tomorrow.
Tomorrow the gang comes over;
some of them after school and some of them later in the evening.
We're just gonna sit and soak up the sun (lets hope it makes an appearance)
outside by the lake, and when it gets chilly,
we go upstairs to the apartment for drinks, dancing, Singstar and silliness.

I can't wait for tomorrow!

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